We offer implementation capabilities for SCADA Systems using cutting edge products comprising RTUs, SCADA software telecommunication solutions using IIoT, GSM/GPRS, LAN/WAN, radio, microwave, and wire line and fibre optic networks. Based on application, specifications, and project requirements, SCADA protocols are implemented using DNP3, IEC60870-5-101 (serial), and 104 (TCP) or MODBUS. Our experience covers most of the leading SCADA software packages along with dedicated applications for process operation and optimization.
SCADA systems are also used as the means for some advanced applications such as pipeline leak detection and operation optimization.
We offer SCADA solutions for applications including:
- Gas distribution networks and control center
- Oil and gas pipelines
- Wellhead control and monitoring
- CP (cathodic protection) test stations monitoring system
- Electrical substations control and monitoring
- Utilities monitoring